Sunday, 10 November 2013

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review - Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review- New diet programs to lose those extra pounds

The new diet with proteins

The protein diet of French doctors Gilbert Boumplil only lasts four weeks and promises loss of 3 kg . The first week only consume protein (fish, lean meat, eggs) in unlimited quantity, provided that have cooked without oil. The second week we add green salad, chicory and tomatoes. On Tuesday, we put all the vegetables, 2 fruits a day and milk. The fourth week add 50 g. bread, 10 g. butter, a small serving of starchy foods and 30 g. cheese or 1 tablespoon olive oil daily. How Does Fat Loss Factor Work?

Dr.. Boumplil explains how the diet works: 'Proteins get enough, while increasing the metabolic function and facilitate the rapid weight loss. The aim is to facilitate the burning of fat and maintain muscle mass. After the first week, the body produces substances that reduce the feeling of hunger. " Attention to two details: The first is that we drink plenty of fluids (2 liters of water a day, tea, infusions) to expedite the passage of substances in the intestinal system. The second is that we follow the program faithfully , without delay or skip meals. An irregularity, particularly as regards carbohydrates, during the first three weeks, "breaks" the system. The more disciplined we are, the better things go.

The diet of carbohydrates

The new fashion in the diets are carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables), as claimed by the American Dietetics Professor Terry Sid in his book "The Good Carbohydrate Revolution." This eating plan is based on the "good" carbohydrates: wholemeal pasta, brown bread, corn, sweet potatoes, brown rice and a variety of nutritious fruits and vegetables, foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Moreover, their absorption by the body is slower compared to simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, white bread). According to nutritionists, carbohydrates should prefer the least processed , eg black bread opposed to white, instead of fresh fruit juices for bottled, or boiled potatoes instead of fried. A typical day in the diet of carbohydrates include: Breakfast: Two slices of wholemeal bread, 1/2 tsp lite margarine, 1 teaspoon honey and drink without sugar. Snack: 2 fruits. Lunch: Spaghetti with meat wholemeal salad, 3 tablespoons olive oil. Afternoon: 2 large carrots. Dinner1 toast with rye bread and cheese, salad with 2 tablespoons olive oil. The program lasts one month, but gradually cut the afternoon.

With food regulating the glycemic index

When we consume sugar or other foods with a high glycemic index, the blood sugar rises sharply. After some time drops sharply, just as he had risen, so again we need something to move. Hungry xanatrome and fatten. Today, with comprehensive knowledge on the issue, the Endocrinologists establish nutrition programs aimed at regulating levels of sugar. This way, achieve weight loss of up to 4 pounds a month, with the guarantee that the result will last. Following the weekly meal plan proposed by the experts in one month, we can ensure weight loss. The emphasis is on foods with a low glycemic index is less than or equal to 55, which reduces the secretion of insulin, the hormone that creates the feeling of hunger. FLF Weight Tracker

These foods are digested and absorbed so gradually by the body, so give it time to induce a feeling of satiety. This whole grains (rolled oats, brown rice, black pasta), legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, fava beans), and whole grain bread. Every day, eat two servings of fruit, 5 servings of vegetables, and dairy fat. Increases the consumption of fish and eat regularly lean meat, eggs and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds). We choose the least refined products (most processed have a higher glycemic index) and not paravrazoume pasta and vegetables because cooking alters the index. Avoid animal fats (except fish), hydrogenated products (biscuits and ready meals) and foods that are rich in sugar (cakes, desserts).

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