The prohibitive Atkins type diets, so much that we were afflicted in the past is outdated. Not only proved ineffective and dangerous to health, but especially damaging to the metabolism and made us take more weight than you lose. Today, the approach to weight loss is changing. New combinations of foods, nutritional programs that get satisfied, instructions matching the busy life of a mother. Fat Loss Factor eBook
The program Dooku
The French nutritionist Pierre Duque inspired a diet that combines two important qualifications: It is easy to implement and allows unlimited quantities of specific food groups . So you're not hungry. To effect has to be developed in four phases. The first phase of the "attack" lasts 2-10 days, depending on the weight you want to lose (2 days 1 to 5 pounds, 10 days over 21 pounds). In duration, consume fish, poultry, lean beef, lean dairy, and 1.5 tablespoon oats daily. The second phase of the "cruise" lasts until you lose all the pounds you've put target.
In duration, rotate one day with protein and one with a combination of protein and vegetables. The third phase of "consolidation", calculated according to the weight they lost (to multiply by 9 and the product gives us the number of days that will last), and the diet consists of protein, vegetables and whole grains. The fourth and last phase, that of 'stabilization', which lasts a lifetime, including some what and the third and requiring a day with protein week (more information can be found in the book «The Dukan Diet» of Pierre Duque).
Diet with the "food" of the baby
The pureed for babies, just because they are aimed at babies, rich, hearty, balanced and healthy . They contain everything the body needs to sate and maintained, ie proteins (meat, chicken, fish) and vegetables (potato, carrot, zucchini, onion, beetroot, celeriac) in the correct proportions and without being saddled with extra fat fatten. The first thought was Tracy Anderson, personal trainer to the stars such as Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, which coined the feeding jars. Fast Food Foojoo Software
The program is not only very low in calories, but also very easy to apply, since the meals can be made either with the foods anyway prepare for the baby either standard jars from the supermarket. Those who tried it (in Hollywood) say how they managed to lose 9 pounds in 7 weeks. To follow a diet exclusively with these products, we need to calculate the daily dose of protein so that you lose fat and not just liquids or muscle mass. Women need 1 gram. protein for each kilogram, ie 56 g. for someone who weighs 56 pounds. One jar of commerce contains about 8 grams., So that an average woman should consume 7. In the same way, we calculate and handmade jars.
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