Thursday, 31 October 2013

Fat Loss Factor eBook - All four quadriceps muscles are strongly activated

Having reached the lowest point, immediately get up, and smoothly. Stop just before the turn off at the knees, thus maintaining tension in the muscles of the thigh. Hold your head high and your back straight throughout the entire movement. Introduction

Important Points - All four quadriceps muscles are strongly activated during the ascent of the squat, but to varying degrees. Tension in the vastus decreases as it approaches the top of the amplitude (knees straightened) conversely, rectus less active in the lower position. Its activity is increased as the lift.

Because the gluteal muscles are strong hip extensors, their activity is high during the ascent. Hamstrings are working, as are involved in straightening the hip. Long spinal erectors receive moderate isometric contraction to keep your back straight.

Holding his head high during sit-ups, you are helping yourself do not round your back. Excess body tilt forward will help you cope with more weight, but it will be soon connected with long rectifiers back and glutes than quads. Furthermore, forward inclination increases the risk of injury of the lower back. Home Workout Generator

Although a slight tilt forward with hip flexion during the squat is welcome, though it should not be too large. After all, you're not a powerlifter and bodybuilder, who are interested in increasing the mass of the quadriceps. During the sit-ups you can shift the focus on certain muscles of the thigh, but only to a very small degree.

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